Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Power of XHTML

What is XHTML
eXtensible HTML - otherwise known as XHTML - the next evolution of HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is leaner, meaner and more tuned for compatibility with browsers on a wide range of devices. The new standard is XHTML 1.0. XHTML is based on XML. There isn't much difference between the famous HTML and XHTML. Basically there are just minor changes which have been done to make XHTML a more powerful web language. 

Why should you use XHTML
XHTML has some interesting advantages over the ordinary HTML. Some of the benefits of using XHTML are;
  • Its becoming the language of choice for a wide range of browsers including those on mobile devices, such as PDA, IPhones e.t.c.., and cell phone.
  • Unlike HTML, XHTML has elements for vector graphics amd mathematical formulas.
  • XHTML allows aural screen readers and other browsers for the visually impaired to more easily consume Web content.
  • By using XHTML, you're future-proofing your web pages to take advantage of all the greatest browser advances to come.
  • XHTML is great for storing large structured document collections
  • XHTML is backward compatible and can be read by existing software applications that already understand HTML.
HTML or XHTML? The choice is yours...
Do any advantages of XHTML matter to you? Are you working on pages that will be displayed on mobile devices? As we have noted, the differences between HTML and XHTML are minimal, so its easy to migrate the existing HTML to XHTML. The good thing about XHTML is that, its very accommodating. It will allow the old versions to work. Its all about being on the cutting edge of technology.

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